Colorado - Denver N-Trak (DenTrak)
Denver, CO - Welcome to the Denver N-Trak (DenTrak) website, a not for profit NTRAK Club. We are a small, loose-knit club made up of people who enjoy the same hobby (model railroading). Although most of our members live in the Denver Metropolitan Area of Colorado, our club has been recognized for participation in events outside the Denver area. We are a friendly group that is growing. We collect yearly dues for miscellaneous administrative, construction, and repair expenses.
We started out around 1975 with about eight modules. Plain Old Four Foot modules and a couple turn-arounds divided between six members. There are currently over 30 modules, most of which are POFF with a few two and six footers thrown in for good measure, these are divided up between 25 members.
A few years ago we converted to DCC. We no longer DC other than by using address 0. There are also some exciting modules currently under-construction.
New members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining the fun of NTRAK railroading, you might consider joining our Club.
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